ISHARES China ETF fell 4.3%.Swedish Finance Minister: If we need to invest more money in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we must do so.Ethereum hit $3,600/piece, down 3.10% in the day.
The chief financial officer of Goldman Sachs expressed his intention to promote increased investment in technology, especially artificial intelligence.Norwegian Natural Gas Company: From December 11th to December 12th, Colesnes Natural Gas Treatment Plant stopped production 6 million cubic meters/day.ISHARES China ETF fell 4.3%.
Latvian Foreign Minister Blase said, I am sure that we can cooperate with US Secretary of State Lu Biao.Swedish Finance Minister: Europe should set the deficit target within 3%, and Europe must triple its capital market.On December 10th, it was learned from China Academy of Sciences that the research device of heavy ions with low energy and high current and high charge state, a major national scientific research instrument, has been accepted by experts organized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the research of heavy ions in China has been added with new tools.